3 Ways To Develop Your Innovation Skills!

Andrea Díaz Navarro
3 min readJan 18, 2021


Do you know the secret to become the best innovator?

Innovation is a concept that, day to day, is increasingly immersing in our vocabulary. Commonly, the term is related to technology, but it can be applied in other areas such as sales, marketing, education, or medicine. So why not reinforcing those skills?

In a competitive working environment, innovation skills might be the value proposition you are looking for in order to differentiate among other candidates or coworkers. Experts have adventured a variety of paths to achieve success involving innovation. However, there is no specific formula that can be given which ensures that the goal will be reached.

Even though there are many practices to improve innovation skills, I am willing to share 3 ways in which you can develop them daily.

Figure 1. Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

1. Be mindful

Be aware of the context, try to observe and take as many feedback as possible. Writing down the ideas can simplify the method. At least, the ideas will be landed to paper and it will be easier to reach them later. Forcing a creative mindset can be hard, but we might sometimes forget that the seed for a solution is a necessity. We must understand how people interact with products, processes or services to let our creativity flourish and come up with interesting solutions. The answer of many unsolved problems is just secretly hidden, and being mindful can ease the seek.

2. Learn to fail… fast and smartly!

Regardless of the effort to develop our innovation skills, setting our own boundaries can be the only thing holding back our potential creativity. Dare to exploit your ideas quickly in order to make the corresponding iterations to evolve. The chances of getting the perfect idea on your first shot are minimum. Remember that you don’t have all the answers, and the users are the ones who can respond to the interaction. This practice will develop the ‘risk-taking’ ability. You gain more insights by failing fast rather than simply thinking ‘what if…?’.

3. Willingness to learn!

Creative people are usually known as the ones who are able to easily link ideas. The more you know about different topics, the linkage will start to come naturally. Typically, they are autodidactic and understand the importance to cherish knowledge. However, it can’t be left aside that only focusing on the topics of interest can sometimes diminish the opportunity to learn about the rest. My recommendation would be to avoid always learning about the same topics and pick a random one once in a while.

We don’t born being creative. Our brain is a muscle we need to train. Nevertheless, being mindful, daring to fail fast and willing to learn about different topics, are some of the practices that can stimulate the development of our innovation skills. Consequently, you’ll become the best innovator one step at a time.



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